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Chapter One-hundred and Forty-Four: Spite and Heartbreak

Chapter 144

Spite and Heartbreak

Celeste walked with Brad to Lazaros’ house, which was a couple of blocks away. The sun was starting to set and they could hear crickets chirping as they walked through the neighborhood. They finally arrived at Lazaros’ house. Deimos and Tristan were sitting on Lazaros’ patio watching the fireflies. Oliver was in Lazaros’ garden trying to catch them.

Brad huddled himself close, overwhelmed with nervousness, confusion, and hurt. He hadn’t been able to sleep properly as he kept going over the same questions in his head. Why did Lazaros ditch me? Why didn’t he see me in the hospital? Why is he being mean to me? Why would he make love to my tormentor?! These questions swarmed around in his mind and were eating at him and he couldn’t take it anymore.

Deimos: “Are you going to have a fucking aneurysm on Lazaros’ lawn or something?”

He asked sharply. Celeste looked away as she snorted. Brad snapped out of his daze.

Brad: “I need to talk to Lazaros.”

Deimos: “Go up the stairs and knock on his door, then.”

He said curtly. Brad swallowed hard and his heart pounded in his chest as he walked up the stairs and knocked on the door in synchronicity with his heartbeats. The doorknob turned and Lazaros was in his white bathrobe.

Lazaros: “I don’t want to be disturbed, Deimos—”

He said tersely and stopped when he saw Brad. Brad froze when he saw Lazaros in his bathrobe. He swallowed hard.

Brad: “...I… I think we need to talk and clear the air…”

He trembled but remained firm. He couldn’t take this anymore.

Celeste: “Is Craig here? Brad is scared of him.”

Tristan: “No, he ran away from his problems to avoid accountability. What’s new?”

He said dryly. Lazaros paused.

Lazaros: “What do you want to discuss?”

He leaned on the door.

Brad: “I wanna know why you ditched me and have been avoiding me! You weren’t there for me when Craig beat me up and then you… DID THAT with him?!”

He sobbed and huddled into himself. Lazaros glared at him.

Deimos: “...Why do you care? Aren’t you with Vanessa?”

He asked Brad.

Brad: “No?! I’m not dating her?! Why are people saying that?!”

Deimos rolled his eyes.

Deimos: “She’s Ivy’s friend and she told us you were and some old lady gave Lazaros pictures of her and you getting too close.”

He said icily.

Lazaros: “That is right. That’s when it started.”

He said flatly.

Brad: “Wh-What?! I don’t understand? Why are you mad at me about that?! I’m not even dating her?!”

He cried.

Lazaros: “Why was I given photos of you two being close, huh? Are you saying those were fabricated now?”

He asked coldly.

Brad: “What are you talking about? I never did anything with her?”

He asked with confusion.

Brad: “Why was I also given photos from an old lady, of you and CRAIG doing stuff together?!

He cried.

Celeste: “Would like to point out Tristan was watching in these photos…”

Tristan: “Yes, I watched it.”

Lazaros froze and folded his arms.

Lazaros: “Yes, I did it. Guilty as charged and Tristan was watching and didn’t intervene. He wanted to have more evidence as to what a piece of shit Craig was.”

He shrugged. Tristan flicked his gaze to Lazaros. Brad cupped his mouth and his eyes welled up with tears and he felt sick to his stomach.

Brad: “I don’t understand… why did you do it?”

He asked Lazaros.

Lazaros: “He was giving me that look and wanted me to come to my jacuzzi. He came onto me and I am sick of Makayla still wanting you.”

He explained sharply.

Brad: “...Makayla still wants me?!”

Brad paused, thinking about how this was like how he did what he did with Felipa to hurt him and Makayla.

Brad: “Wait… were you also wanting to hurt me, too?”

He asked in a small voice.

Lazaros: “Yes, I wanted to hurt you.”

He admitted.

Brad: “...I never did THAT with Felipa… but… I wanted to hurt you, too… ‘cause you ditched me and went off with Vanessa instead of being there for me…”

He admitted.

Tristan: “Why did you do that instead of confronting him before this?”

He challenged. Brad bowed his head.

Brad: “...I don’t know, I didn’t know how to deal with this… I’ve never dealt with anything like this before…”

Deimos: “Yes, you ruined my music video. I want an apology.”

He huffed.

Brad: “I’m sorry for ruining your music video, dude! If there’s anything I can do let me know!”

He sighed.

Tristan: “If you confronted him beforehand, a lot of this could have been avoided. Lazaros really didn’t need to show me Craig was no good; I knew this long before I witnessed what I saw.”

He said firmly.

Tristan: “This was completely preventable.”

Deimos: “Boy fuckin’ howdy…”

He muttered.

Brad: “I’m sorry… I was scared ‘cause I’ve had bad experiences with confrontation, but, like, this is also bad, too…”

He took a deep breath.

Brad: “I also wish he came to talk to me about it, too…”

Deimos: “No way, mind games are way more fun.”

He shot a glare at Lazaros. Lazaros drew back. Brad looked at Lazaros, wanting him to say something or at least look at him.

Tristan: “Blake told us about the cult where you grew up, so I understand new experiences can be terrifying for you.”

He nodded.

Brad: “Oh, it wasn’t a cult!”

He laughed.

Tristan: “What was it?”

He asked. He wanted to hear what Brad had to say before dismissing his views.

Brad: “It was a tight-knit family commune, living off the grid in the woods!”

He stated. Tristan cupped his chin.

Tristan: “So if an issue were to arise in your commune, how would it be handled? I wish to know of your culture.”

He smiled.

Brad: “Oh, we’d gather around and sing and dance around the fire ‘cause the fire is like the sun! And we’d take some mystical spirit water to feel better and purge away the bad vibes!”

He beamed as he relayed how life in Sunshire was. Tristan cupped his chin and smiled. He took mental notes. This explains a lot about his behavior, he thought. Confrontation and anything negative is a foreign concept to him.

Tristan: “Mystical spirit water, huh? Tell me about it.”

Brad: “Well, whenever we were feeling negative vibes, we’d be given it to get rid of them!”

He explained. Tristan smiled. I need to ask Blake about this stuff, he thought. It’s more than water sold by snake oil salesmen, he thought.

Tristan: “Did you take it to deal with your negative emotions toward Lazaros?”

He asked gently.

Brad: “Well, most of my emotions towards Lazaros were positive… until that happened, and yeah, I did take it for that, but… my feelings towards him were too powerful…”

He sighed and huddled into himself. Lazaros looked away.

Celeste: “What Brad did was an act. It was a music video. What Lazaros did was real and not for a music video.”

She nodded.

Deimos: “Wow, I never knew that.”

He said dryly. Brad looked at Lazaros with hurt in his eyes.

Celeste: “I think everyone fucked up, though. There are no good guys or bad guys; everyone fucked up.”

She shrugged. Tristan and Deimos looked at her. She has a point, Deimos thought.

Brad: “I’m sorry I messed up, too…”

He admitted.

Lazaros: “I apologize, I have to go to bed.”

He slammed the door. Brad recoiled and felt hurt again. I knew he didn’t feel the same about me. God, I’m so stupid, why would he want a fatass like me? He thought. Tristan rose and went to Brad with a smile.

Tristan: “Give him space. I can absorb his emotions and I know he feels hurt. Just give him space to think about this.”

He nodded.

Brad: “R-Really? Me too! I just don’t understand why he’s hurt with me when he doesn’t see me that way?!”

Tristan smiled tightly.

Tristan: “Why do you think he tried to hurt you? I think he does but give him time.”

He reassured him. Brad’s eyes widened and he reddened. Deimos pouted.

Celeste: “I think that wraps it up for now.”

She stretched. Brad nodded.

Brad: “Thank you, Celeste.”

Celeste: “Wanna come back home with me?”

Brad nodded.

Brad: “Yeah… I think I need to go home and think…”

He went with her and waved to Tristan as he left. Tristan waved back.

Deimos: “Why did you encourage him?”

He growled.

Tristan: “Because I wanted to find out why he’s terrified of confrontation and I do feel Lazaros has feelings for him. It goes beyond Lazaros wanting me to see ‘what a piece of shit Craig is’ because I knew that long ago.”

He said evenly.

Deimos: “Do you think Sunshire is a cult?”

Tristan nodded.

Tristan: “Most definitely but I wasn’t going to get more information if I was brash and blunt about it.”

He looked up at the sky as if he were reading words in the stars.

Tristan: “There is truth to you gathering more flies with honey than vinegar and I tried a more diplomatic approach.”

Deimos looked up at the stars with him.


Craig arrived at Maxx’s mobile home and wanted to go into his bedroom to cry. He ignored Maxx shoving a beanbag in his mouth and went into his bedroom to flop on the bed. Rock stood over him with a smile.

Rock: “What’s wrong, Craig? I thought you’d be happier with the Nuklear videos getting high praise!”

He twirled his cane.

Craig: “T-T-Tristan!”

He warbled.

Craig: “T-T-Tristan hates meeeeeeee!”

He sulked into his pillow.

Craig: “That sneaky slut Lazaros TRICKED me to turn Tristan against me!”

He cried. Rock sat on his bed and patted his back.

Rock: “Tell me about it, buddy!”

Craig: “HE came onto ME just to make me look bad to Tristan ‘n now he hates me ‘cause of him! I will DESTROY him!”

He rasped.

Rock: “How will you do that, buddy?!”

He smiled. That’s right, blame others as Maxxy blames B-Rad, he thought.

Craig: “Beat his scrawny ass!”

He pouted.

Rock: “Are you aware of his abilities, buddy?”

He smiled.

Craig: “What abilities to be a fuckin’ slut asshole?!”

He hissed.

Rock: “Breaking bones with his bare hands is another.”

He chuckled. Craig scoffed.

Craig: “PFFT, bullshit! Ain’t no one can do that and not a shrimp like him!”

Rock: “Craig, if I am to aid you, you can’t deny the truth! The truth is he did that to you and Deimos healed you.”

He edged closer to him.

Craig: “What?! But HOW?! If superpowers are real then where’s MY superpowers?”

He huffed and laughed in his face. Rock patted his back.

Rock: “Someday, buddy… Someday.”

He laughed.

Rock: “But for now, you want Tristan back, right?”

Craig: “Yeah… but Lazaros ruined it!”

He huffed.

Rock: “You can’t ruin true love, buddy! B-Rad came back to Lazaros! You can do this to Tristan, too! This book has more advice!”

He held up the romance advice book.

Craig: “What do you mean that fat fuck went to that slutty magician?”

He scoffed and laughed.

Craig: “Fuckin’ oath! If that fat fuck can find love then I should!”

Rock: “Celeste held his hand because he was scared of you and he and Lazaros spoke! Now they’re together!”

He said giddily.

Craig: “WAHAAH, what a fuckin’ pansy SOOK! Pfft, that magician downgraded from me if he’s off with that fat fuck now. They deserve each other!”

He scoffed.

Craig: “Anyway, back to me ‘n Tristan! You got a plan?!”

He prodded him.

Rock: “Tristan LOVES being tickled but you gotta do it so Deimos doesn’t see you! I will help you sneak into his bedroom tonight so you can tickle his feet!”

He grinned and gave him a thumbs up.

Craig: “Oh, tickling huh?”

He laughed.

Craig: “Well, if he loves tickling, he’ll wake up to a nice surprise then! He’ll be happy and laughing when he sees me!”

He grinned.


That night, Tristan finally got to sleep. He was cuddling Oliver as he slept. Rock helped Craig get into his house. Craig made his way up to Tristan’s bedroom and looked down at him, gazing at him and admiring his beauty. He lifted the sheets to his bare feet and started wiggling his fingers over his soles. Tristan grunted, curled his toes, and shuffled his feet. Tristan turned over and Oliver yawned and opened his eyes to see Craig. He stood up and arched his back. Craig bit his bottom lip and tickled Tristan’s feet with both of his hands. Tristan laughed and kicked his feet.

He sat up and ground his eyes with his fists.

Tristan: “Who’s there?”

He asked groggily and reached over to his nightstand to turn the light on. Craig continued tickling his feet with a grin.

Craig: “Coochie-coo!”

Tristan yelped and laughed hard.


He clutched onto the pillow as he laughed. The tickling was overwhelming him and he couldn’t think. Craig beamed. Oh wicked sick! He’s enjoying this, he thought. Oliver climbed on Craig’s chest and turned around to slap him with his tail.

Craig: “OI!”

Oliver kicked off him and went to Tristan. Tristan turned on the light and saw Craig on his bed. He unfolded his glasses and put them on.

Tristan: “...What are you doing in my house?!”

He hissed.

Craig: “You LOVE bein’ tickled ‘n I’m givin’ ya what you want!”

He grinned. Tristan drew a breath and shook his head. He bared his teeth and slapped him. Craig rubbed his face and his bottom lip trembled.

Tristan: “I don’t WANT to be tickled by YOU.”

He snapped and got out of bed.

Craig: “Why not? It ain’t like Deimos is ticklin’ ya!”

Tristan rolled his eyes.

Tristan: “I know because I would welcome him doing that to me but not YOU!”

He snapped.

Craig: “God, I was a fool. Who the fuck loves TICKLING? Tickling is stupid!”

He spat and folded his arms in front of his chest.

Tristan: “I love being tickled… Just not by you.”

He said tersely and went to his sofa in his bedroom to sit down.

Tristan: “Do you not understand this, Craig? I don’t love you. At best, I might have crushed on you but those were dashed when I understood you are not on my level and we don’t connect emotionally, physically, or mentally.”

He explained.

Tristan: “...This occurred before I saw you and Lazaros in the hot tub. Don’t worry about what I saw.”

He put his hand up.

Tristan: “It didn’t hurt my feelings because I was done with you long before that, so don’t blame him for this.”

Craig: “Oh, so you DID crush on me! I knew it!”

Tristan: “Yeah… Long ago, I did, but it didn’t last.”

Craig: “Well, maybe you can crush on me again?”

Tristan grimaced and shook his head.

Tristan: “I stopped when I got to know you.”

He said coolly.

Tristan: “Why do you lust for me, Craig? Or love me? How ever you wish to word it. Do you know?”

He locked his gaze on him.

Craig: “ ‘cause I just do!”

He locked his gaze on him. Tristan slapped the arm of the sofa and put his fingers to his temples.

Tristan: “Think, Craig, think! I want a better answer than that!”

He said hotly.

Tristan: “Don’t I deserve a better answer?!”

Craig: “I thought we had a connection! You were kind to me and loved metal ‘n you’re so handsome!”

Tristan raised his eyebrows.

Tristan: “Yes, we have some shared interests and I was kind to you but you did not reciprocate that to me. You were very cruel to me.”

He said and heaved a deep sigh.

Tristan: “I feel you’re looking to replicate what you had with Andreas because we’re alike in some ways.”

He sighed and rested his head on his hand. Craig bowed his head and looked away, trying not to cry.

Tristan: “We’re loners, deep thinkers, love metal, love reading, have long hair, are European, and other stuff, but it didn’t work with him. I understand why this is.”

He inhaled sharply.

Tristan: “You can’t live in the past, Craig. You’re not going to relive the same moment twice. It didn’t work with Andreas and it didn’t with me. The problem is you.”

He said sternly. Craig shut his eyes tightly.

Tristan: “As long as you are you and you don’t know who you are and what you want, you’re going to end up stuck in this limbo, continuing to lose everyone. You have to be alone to find yourself and know what you want. You have to face your biggest enemy: yourself.”

He added.

Craig: “...Andreas said the same to me…”

Tristan: “And now I am telling you. You didn’t listen to him. I hope you will grant me that you will try to listen to me. Stop running and face yourself. You need to see you’re the problem and take accountability for your actions. What choices I make and not wanting you in my life is out of your control. You have to live with it.”

Craig: “Okay…”

He muttered.

Tristan rose and folded his arms over his chest. He bowed his head. Craig gazed at him and leaned over to kiss him. Tristan drew back and put his hand up forming an ice shield.

Tristan: “I think you should leave.”

He said tersely. Craig drew a long breath, put his shades on, and left his bedroom. Tristan’s ice shield shattered and he followed Craig to see him out.

Tristan locked the door behind Craig and heaved another sigh. He went into the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. In the kitchen, he spotted a phonebook and strolled to it. He picked it up to look for psychics who perform séances. He forefinger landed on an ad for Madame Huang’s Psychic Reading Shop. He was glad it was a weekday and he didn’t have to work.


Craig was in his bedroom back at Maxx’s mobile home staring at himself in the mirror. Rock stood in the doorway grinning widely.

Craig: “I am facing myself.”

Rock: “Oh?”

Craig: “Tristan told me to face myself and I am! How could he NOT want someone like this?!”

He cried and flexed his muscles.

Before Rock could respond, Maxx screeched. Rock turned to him and Maxx saw the first music video Nuklear Intoxikation released.


He stomped his feet and ran around the house, knocking everything over and smashing plates all over the floor.


The following day, Tristan drove to Little Tokyo to Madame Huang’s Psychic Reading Shop. He called ahead to book an appointment for a séance and borrowed a photo of Andreas from Ivy to conduct it. He was dressed in a white dress shirt, black tie with a gray sweater with diamond patterns over the shirt and tie, khakis dress pants, and black oxford shoes.

He drove up Northeast 12th Street and came to a shop next to “Ruby Dragon Take-out.” It had “Madame Huang’s Psychic Reading Shop” above the door. In the window was The Eye of Providence neon sign and a “Séance, Tarot Card Readings, Psychic Readings” neon sign below it. There was a display of a crystal ball, a Chinese zodiac wheel, and a bust of a cat goddess.

Tristan parked his car, carrying Oliver in his arms, and climbed out to enter the store.

The store was small with shelves of voodoo dolls, essential oils, tarot card kits, dreamcatchers, incense, incense burners, and more.

Tristan ran his fingers over the essential oils. He recalled Ivy telling him she used them for her room diffuser and laundry.

A woman called out, “Can I help you, sir?” Tristan turned around to see a short, slim middle-aged Asian woman with her gray hair tied up in a bun. She was dressed in a gold hanfu dress with egrets on the top. Tristan smiled at her.

Tristan: “Hello, I am Tristan Trémaux. I called to book an appointment for a séance.”

Madame Huang: “I am Madame Huang. Right this way, sir.”

She said coolly and led Tristan to a room in the back.

The room had an old painting of a sinister-looking woman and candles all over the room. There was a circular table in the middle of the room with four wooden chairs with circular backs surrounding the table. There was a crystal ball with a gold claw hand holding the ball on the table. Tristan slowly crept in and sat on one chair and Oliver sat next to him.

Madame Huang: “Who do you wish to contact?”

Tristan handed a picture of Andreas to her.

Tristan: “His name was Andreas Ödegaard. He passed away in Selene Valley a year ago.”

He said sadly.

Madame Huang: “Let’s get started.”

She turned off the chandelier hanging above the table and lit candles all over the room. She held up her golden mirror with the face of death on the back. She sat down and closed her eyes. She clasped her hands over the mirror and placed it on her table. She muttered something unintelligible.

Madame Huang: “Andreas Ödegaard, we summon you! We want your spirit to come down to Reona!”

She cried and the room shook. Tristan looked around and knit his eyebrows. Suddenly, a spirit emerged from the mirror and floated into the room.

Standing before them was the spirit of a slim white man with ice-blue eyes with dark circles under his eyes, and an anchor goatee. He was dressed in a black shirt and jeans with a bone belt and jewelry. He wore Norse braids in his long raven hair and black arm cuffs on his arms with light eye makeup.

Tristan locked his gaze on him. It was undeniably Andreas Ödegaard.

Tristan: “Andreas?”

He called out to him.

Andreas: “Who are you?”

He asked with confusion and curiosity on his face. Oliver jumped on Tristan’s lap and burrowed under his sweater. Tristan cleared his throat and put his arms over Oliver.

Tristan: “I am Tristan Trémaux.”

He smiled nervously.

Andreas: “I am Andreas Ödegaard… What do you want?”

He asked with uncertainty in his tone. Tristan inhaled sharply and let it out. Here goes, he thought.

Tristan: “I wish to speak to you about Craig Medeiros.”

He began. Andreas soured when he said that name and he put the pieces together. This was yet another jaded and broken ex-lover of Craig, not unlike himself, he thought.

Tristan: “I… I… I let him live with me for some time and I did crush on him but I wanted to take things slow because I never dated anyone before. I wanted to figure some things out. I wanted to know if this was a crush or love…”

He continued.

Tristan: “But… Craig grew possessive of me and controlled every aspect of my life. Yes, he did some nice things for me… or so I thought. He gave me a pen for my job but it had neon green ink so I couldn’t use it. I kept it for sentimental reasons. Anyway, he revolved or revolves his life around me. He overstepped my boundaries by slapping my butt and one night he smashed my antique grandfather clock in a jealous rage and blamed me for it.”

He explained as his tone grew dour. Andreas listened as he let him vent it out. It was eerily uncanny to his story.

Tristan: “He squirted… ketchup all over the Chinese take-out I ordered and got it on my grandmother’s oriental rug I had to pay to get professionally cleaned and told me not to eat so much or I would get fat.”

He relayed as he started to get angrier.

Tristan: “He thinks my secretary’s son likes me so he beats him to the point he has to be hospitalized and gives me a teddy bear with a shirt that said, ‘Sorry, I’m an idiot’ and kept telling me to ‘press the bear’s belly’. Veronika somehow got a hold of it after I trashed it and relayed it on her radio show to ridicule. It was Craig singing how ‘sorry’ he is and telling me not to leave him for another man.”

He shook his head and removed his glasses to wipe his eyes.

Tristan: “He threw her son through my office window and destroyed that.”

He drew a long breath. Andreas was not surprised by any of this. It was like he was reciting his past with Craig back to him.

Andreas: “That’s Craig.”

He grumbled.

Andreas: “It sounds exactly like what he did to me…”

He added. Tristan petted Oliver.

Tristan: “What did he do to you? He never told me why you left him and left a lot of that out.”

Andreas: “The same thing he did to you.”

He began.

Andreas: “He wasn’t in love with me like he wasn’t in love with you. He was in love with his idea of us which is really him. He wanted us to be like him.”

He explained. Tristan nodded.

Tristan: “When he… broke into my house last night to… tickle my feet as I slept, I talked to him and told him it’s over. I said he has to face himself to find himself and take accountability for his actions. I then asked him why he loved me or lusted me. Whatever.”

He sighed.

Tristan: “He… He couldn’t answer me. He said he loves my looks and that I love metal. He couldn’t give me a more detailed answer than that.”

He said with strain.

Tristan: “I read him and I grew to know him. This is why my crush dissipated. He never got to know me.”

Andreas: “I asked him the same questions and he couldn’t give me an answer either. It seems history is repeating itself or Craig is stuck in the past.”

He replied.

Tristan: “I… I told him he wants to replicate what he and you had but he wants to have that with me. I told him I am not you and you cannot relive the same moment twice. If we’re similar, it didn’t work with you and him. What makes him think it will with me, especially when he hasn’t changed? From what you tell me, he was this way for years.”

He raked his fingers through his hair.

Andreas: “Why would he want to replicate that? I told him so many times we weren’t right for each other and to move on and find someone who is like him, but he didn’t listen, I see.”

He stated. Tristan nodded and drew a long breath.

Tristan: “All he told me was you two were soulmates but I was skeptical.”

Andreas: “Perhaps our souls connected at some point, but I don’t believe we were soulmates.”

Tristan: “So what drew you to him?”

Andreas: “He was my first love… and only love, but that doesn’t mean we were soulmates…”

He said as his life was cut short before he would have found his true love.

Andreas: “We first met in high school and I liked how protective he was of me, but soon that protectiveness turned to possession.”

He said grimly. Tristan gnashed his teeth and looked at him with pain in his eyes as if he was there himself.

Tristan: “Well, ah, same? Except this wasn’t high school and I don’t need his protectiveness… but it was nice.”

He sighed.

Tristan: “I can take care of myself.”

He held his hand out and formed an ice sword in his hand. Andreas accepted what he saw in front of him. He was a spirit, so ice powers weren’t out of the realm of possibility.

Andreas: “You don’t need him to protect you. He is the one you need protection from.”

He added. Tristan’s eyebrows rose.

Tristan: “I know this now. He filled my bathtubs, sinks, and bidet with Hitchley’s Smoochies in an attempt to get me back.”

He huffed and the ice sword shattered in his hand.

Andreas: “That’s not the worst he can do.”

He added. Tristan wagged his head.

Tristan: “No, it frustrated me because I needed to take a shower but this is not, you’re right.”

He replied.

Andreas: “Even if he moved on with another lover, he still won’t be over you. He wasn’t with me with Veronika.”

He pointed out. Tristan gnashed his teeth and thought of that night he saw him with Lazaros in the hot tub. Then he regained composure.

Tristan: “Oh, Veronika attacked me when I helped him with his car insurance after she keyed his car and defaced it, and Craig beat her up to protect me. He left her.”

He explained.

Andreas: “If it wasn’t you, it would have been me.”

Tristan: “You’re right.”

He nodded.

Tristan: “Another thing that irked me and it’s kind of silly…”

He rubbed the back of his neck.

Tristan: “He left his stinky socks and boots around. I hated the smell so I bought foot deodorizer. I never buy this because I don’t have smelly feet but he does and I had to put it in his boots because when I brought this up to him, he lost it at me and stormed out to drink.”

He sank in his seat. Andreas twisted his mouth.

Andreas: “Tell me about it.”

He said knowing all too well.

Tristan: “I am so sorry. I am talking to you about my problems with Craig. He won’t leave me alone. I am not seeking advice but… I wanted to talk to someone who understands me. Deimos and Ivy are lovely to discuss this with and both hate Craig but I feel they don’t understand this.”

He said as his eyelids dipped.

Andreas: “I understand. I don’t know what advice I can give. I’m afraid he will end up in jail one of these days.”

He sighed, knowing how he felt on the matter.

Tristan: “I rarely seek advice. No, people come to me for advice. I’m just venting. He was in jail a few times for beating up people because he thought they were my suitors but he was bailed out, so he never faced accountability.”

He began. Andreas wasn’t surprised.

Tristan: “When he ends up in prison, he won’t get bailed and he will have to serve time.”

Andreas nodded in agreement with this.

Andreas: “Maybe that’s what he needs.”

Oliver popped his head out of Tristan’s sweater and spotted the Asian hornets flying around him. He reached up to swat at them. Tristan flicked his gaze and now noticed them. He was too overwhelmed with emotions to notice anything else. Tristan noticed Andreas didn’t see these around him or was he also overwhelmed with emotions? He wondered.

Tristan: “I only purchased an hour and it flew by.”

He laughed a hollow laugh.

Tristan: “I would like to speak to you again if you’ll have me. If not, I won’t push it, I understand.”

He smiled.

Andreas: “If you wish to speak to me again, light a black candle with muerteincense under a full moon.”

Tristan: “What is that? Sorry, English is not my first language. Yes, I am fluent in it but I don’t understand some slang or words.”

He said feeling embarrassed.

Andreas: “Muerteincense is an aromatic resin used in incense and oils. Burn some Muerteincense incense or oil with a black candle under the moonlight when the moon is full and I shall appear.”

Tristan nodded, still not understanding him but he thought Brad might. This stuff seems up his alley, he thought.

Tristan: “Ivy gave me your picture and I informed her of this.”

He said genially.

Andreas: “Oh, you know Ivy?”

Tristan smiled and nodded.

Tristan: “Yes, we’re good friends!”

Andreas: “I hope Larry isn’t in her life anymore.”

Tristan smiled and shook his head.

Tristan: “He’s not. She left him and she’s with my good friend, Deimos.”

Andreas: “That’s good to hear.”

He smiled and nodded. Tristan smiled back, glad to see him smile.

Tristan: “Be seeing you soon, Andreas.”

He concluded.

Andreas: “Take care.”

He said as he faded into the air.


Tristan left the shop and bought some essential oils and a peacock dream catcher for Ivy. He sat in the car with Oliver in the passenger’s seat to think about what just happened.

Tristan: “I don’t know, Oliver, I just don’t know anymore…”

He slid the key into the ignition and started the engine.


Cedar and Ellis were dressed in black and carrying dog carriers to a van. They shoved the carriers into the back and looked at the Xuprans inside.

Ellis: “Well, that’s what Dr. Duerr wanted us to steal from the Reonan Space Garbage Collection.”

The Xuprans twitched their antenna and one used their forelegs to get out.


In the facility, Dr. Wolfgang Duerr observed the Xuprans through a two-way mirror. Ellis Hoffman approached him with his clipboard.

Ellis: “After injecting them with the serum, they showed no signs of having it into their system, sir.”

Dr. Duerr folded his arms behind him and tightly pursed his lips.

Dr. Duerr: “How did the Xupran who was last scene with my creature successfully transform his DNA?”

He pressed his forefinger on his cleft chin.

Ellis: “Yes, traces of the serum were found in the body of the dead Xupran from Selene Valley.”

Dr. Duerr didn’t reply. He narrowed his rheumy eyes on the Xuprans crawling around in the room.

Dr. Duerr: “Ellis?”

Ellis: “Yes, sir?”

Dr. Duerr: “Hand me a vial of the serum.”

Ellis nodded and handed him a large vial of neon green serum. Dr. Duerr took the serum, used his keycard, and entered the room with the Xuprans. He knelt to one of them. He twitched his antenna, reached his forearms up, grabbed the serum, and shoved it into his mouth eating it whole. Dr. Duerr rose and smiled at the creature. He left and turned to Ellis.

Dr. Duerr: “Test him later.”

Ellis sheepishly nodded and looked at the Xupran who used his forearms to clean himself.

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